I’ve just finished the 4 week gluten-free challenge!

...and got crazy results

I’ve Just Finished the 4 Week Gluten-Free Challenge!

And I, am, shocked with these results.

Bread toasts with avocado, banana, tomato. Easy to make, great for a quick breakfast.

My digestion improved, I noticed less water retention and my skin cleared up so beautifully.

It makes TOTAL sense, there are literally so many studies to explain why going gluten free made me feel better.

Because it supports gut health! .

And if your gut is healthy, you are healthy.

But, please if you want to try this, don’t make this mistake.

Don’t buy gluten free products at the store.

They come with seed oils, high fructose corn syrup, and preservatives you don't want in your gut.

Instead, bake for yourself.

I followed this 30 gluten-free challenge from Bloom Healthy. 

It contains 97 super simple, delicious bakes for paleo, gluten and dairy free diets.

And, every recipe is developed by an expert nutritionist and chef.

So you just know it’s going to be tasty, and good for you.

I got mine for $37, and it’s 100% refundable if you're not satisfied.

But trust me, your gut-bugs and your taste-buds, are going to love these recipes

This experiment was only supposed to last 4 weeks…

But when…

🧖‍♀️ My skin cleared up.
🪄My digestion problems disappeared.
🤰I lost weight (my body was holding on to SO MUCH water).

❌ I realized GLUTEN, was not for me, (even though technically,  I’m not intolerant). ❌

Now, I love bread… (and carbs in general).

So, I would have struggled without a simple way to bake gluten-free.

TBH, I wouldn’t have known what to eat… just rice? 😅

So do I recommend following a guide? 1000%

I used Bloom Healthy’s 30 day gluten-free challenge.

Because, literally, EVERY recipe was delicious & easy to follow.

So, if you love bread, cookies, pasta etc, but want to give gluten-free a go (or you are already gf!).

Then check out the 30 day gluten-free challenge I used  here!

Happy baking!

Nicole – Editor of The Healthy Dose